A Letter from the President
The use of lasers in dentistry in Australia has grown significantly over the years, from some of the earliest systems from the late 1980's, right through to the present time. The AALD has been an important part of the journey of development of laser dentistry in Australia, and the Association has been supported by general practitioners, specialists and research students. AALD members have also played important roles in developing the new ADA policy on safe laser use in dentistry, and contributed to the 2018 version of the AS/NZS 4173 standard.
The 2019 AALD Scientific Congress was a great success for the Association. I would like to thank the dental industry for their support of laser dentistry continuing education, and for bringing the latest in equipment and technologies to Australian dental practices.
Together with the executive team for the AALD, I welcome all dental laser users to this site, and I encourage you to take up membership, and keep in contact with the latest literature and research in the field.
Laurence J. Walsh AO